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Dog Bed - here, Similar rug - here & here, Similar Dress - here , here & here, Glasses - here, macrame hangers - here, and I made my phone case!
A lot of people think starting and owning your own business is all rainbows and unicorns. It may start out that way with the excitement of new and big beginnings, but it is definitely no walk in the park. This may be a story for another lengthy blog post for those who are interested in knowing more of my journey and business - but today, i am burnt out. OH SO grateful, but burnt out! Weeks go by and I find myself doing the exact same routine every. single. day. Wake up early, gym, come home before 8:30am, throw on sweats (if i'm lucky) dive straight to the emails, then paint, work, email, package up orders, repeat x4, then it's dinner time. It's quite the dream job, but I found myself bored in my normal routine and really thought I deserved a day without a routine.
I mean, look at this mess! I package most of my orders on the ground since every table surface in my house are full of other packaging, and I managed to snap a photo of the teeny corner of my studio that is some-what decent and clean. I even managed to get the bobby pin, packaging boards, and left over paint scratch paper in the frame. So classy... hah!
Anywho - This is just a little message to remind y'all that I am just a little human behind this giant machine I call my business. I'm quite proud of what I've made of myself all on my own, although the copy-cats may be a small obstacle in my path, I plow through and keep strong to my "routine". But ya know what? Today, I thought I deserved an hour or two without that routine to just hang with my dog and paint for fun, not for work. I am grateful for these little moments. Now, back to fulfilling your lovely Mother's Day orders :)
This life is such a beautiful whirlwind!
xoxo celo